The Philly Runner You Need to Follow on Instagram, Stat

Photo via Instagram | @phillystory
#RunStreakPHL, where folks are running at least a mile every day of February, is going strong, and one Philly runner is keeping track of their runs in the best way possible: With what I’ll call run drawings, made by documenting their runs on their fitness tracker. So far, the person behind @phillystory has spelled out Jawn, Run215, Run Philly, made a truly impressive stick figure running image, and more — all by routing their runs to create these masterpieces. Granted, a few of the words look like they were written by a drunk baby — but still!
Check out a few of our favorites below, then hop on over to their Instagram to see more. We’re hoping they’ll be keeping up their artistic ways through the end of #RunStreakPHL.
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