January Is … Veganuary?



Remember back last year, when Beyoncé and Jay Z embarked on a 22-day vegan stint? Well, this is probably the closest you’ll ever get to being Queen Bey: Starting January 1st, you’re invited to join in on the second annual Veganuary, a 31-day vegan challenge aimed at encouraging regular meat-loving folks across the world to ditch animal products for the month of January in the hopes of giving the planet—and their bodies—a break. A New Year’s resolution that ends after just one month? Yes, please.

Veganuary was started in the UK last year by two vegans, Matthew Glover and Jay Land, who figured January was the perfect time to convince people to try living without their beloved dairy and meat—I mean, after all, a big chunk of folks resolve to cut out stuff like heavy cream and fried chicken come January 1st, anyway—and to make the process easier, they’ve provided a platform to help people actually do it successfully. The Veganuary website is home to everything from dining out guides to vegan recipes to vegan celebrity profiles—you know, in case you need some vegan-living inspiration. (Best fun fact ever: Samuel L. Jackson is vegan because he is, and I quote, “just trying to live forever.”)

You can take the pledge to stay animal-product-free this January here. Just think: In the end, not only will you be just a little bit more like Beyoncé (always a plus), but you’ll have had a legitimate reason to eat at HipCityVeg every single day. #Winning

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