BeWOW: Three-Round Interval Challenge



This week’s workout is going to challenge your speed, endurance and perseverance. The goal: to push yourself even when you want to stop.

There will be three interval rounds in this workout. For the first round, you’ll do 25 reps of four exercises, with a 30 sec sprint between each. In Round 2, you’ll have four pairs of two exercises, performing 15 reps each, with a 30 second sprint between each pair. The final round will be four groups of three exercises, 10 reps each, with a 30 second sprint in between.

Sound confusing? It’s easy—promise. The workout builds on itself, so once you have the basic pattern in your head, you’re golden. And remember, you can do the sprint any way you’d like: outside on a track or field, or indoors on a treadmill, bike or elliptical. If you’re headed outdoors, swap dumbbells for a resistance band.

Here’s what the workout looks like.

BeWOW: Three-Round Interval Challenge

Round 1
25 squat jumps :: 30-second sprint
25 push-ups :: 30-second sprint
25 lunge jumps :: 30-second sprint
25 sit-ups :: 30-second sprint

Round 2
15 squat jumps, 15 dips :: 30-second sprint
15 push-ups, 15 high pulls :: 30-second sprint
15 lunge jumps, 15 lunge rows :: 30-second sprint
15 sit-ups, 15 ab twists :: 30-second sprint

Round 3
10 squat jumps, 10 dips, 10 pull-ups :: 30-second sprint
10 push-ups, 10 dumbbell high pulls, 10 bicep curls:: 30-second sprint
10 lunge jumps, 10 lunge row, 10 reverse fly :: 30-second sprint
10 sit-ups, 10 ab twists, 10 v ups :: 30-second sprint

Explanation of exercises
*Click the links below for video how-tos.

Squat jumps: Stand with feet hip-width apart and perform a squat, dropping your rear until your knees are just behind your toes and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. As you stand, propel yourself upwards and jump. Return to standing and squat again.

Push-up: Start lying face down with your chest on the floor, with hands facing forward and palms down in line with your shoulders; elbows should be pointing back. Push up until arms are extended (the inside of the elbow should be facing forward) and drop back down.

Lunge jump: Position yourself in a lunge. Jump upwards switching the front and back legs. Once landed, repeat.

Sit-up: Lie on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent. Put your hands behind your ears. Without pulling on your neck and using only your abs, lift your shoulders off the mat and come to a full sit-up position. Lie back down slowly.

Dips: Using a bench or a chair, step your legs out a few feet in front of your body. Steady your hands on the bench or chair and, with your back just a few inches from your fingertips, lower your body to the ground. Then raise your body back to the starting position by pushing into the bench or chair. Repeat.

High pulls: Stand with feet hip width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. (Note: You can also use a resistance band if you’re outdoors.) Tip forward at the waist then stand up, pulling the weights up to chest height at the same time. Lower the weights slowly and repeat.

Lunge row: Standing with your left leg forward in a lunge and left forearm on thigh, row a weight with your right arm like you’re starting lawn mower. Switch to opposite side lunge for left arm.

Ab twists: Sit on the floor with knees bent, heels pressing into the ground. Lean back slightly and use your abs to twist side to side.

Pull-ups: Suspend yourself on the pull-up bar with your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up, keeping your body as straight as possible, until your chest reaches the bar. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat. (If you’re struggling with pull-ups, try these alternatives instead.)

Bicep curls: Hold dumbbells at your side with palms facing forward. Pretend your elbows are glued to your midsection and curl the weight toward your shoulders, keeping your upper arm still. Slowly return your weight to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Reverse fly: Stand with feet hip-width apart and hinge forward at the waist. Holding a weight in each hand (palms facing towards each other), keep your arms slightly bent and using your back, squeeze your shoulder blades together, lifting your hands to the side.

V-ups: Lie flat on your back with legs outstretched and arms above your head. Sit up, lifting arms and legs and reaching your hands and feet toward the ceiling. Shoulder blades should come off the mat as you reach for your toes. Hold for a beat, then return to the starting position.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

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