Real Food Works Launches New Soup Cleanse Program

Photo via Soup Cleanse
To hell with juice cleanses. Philly-based healthy-food delivery service Real Food Works just launched a new soup cleanse program, a one-day body detox plan featuring six nutrient-packed soups. Yes, that’s soup for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert—and two meals in between.
According to the website, “Soup Cleanse is day-long regimen of vegetable-based soups, designed to give you all of the nutrition-packed benefits of a juice cleanse while sidestepping any glycemic spike from the fruit in most juices—and with even fewer calories.”
Here are the soups in the program, their calorie counts, and the order in which you’re supposed to eat them:
Detox (70 calories) – Organic spinach, kale, onion, lemon juice, wakame (edible seaweed), ginger, garlic, salt, olive oil, black peppercorn.
Shine (45 calories) – Pumpkin, apple sauce, onion, garlic, salt, organic lemon juice, olive oil, fresh rosemary, saigon, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne.
Purify (70 calories) – Same as the detox soup.
Energize (60 calories) – Organic beets, carrot, onion, lemon juice, garlic, salt, olive oil, horseradish, dill, black peppercorn.
Replenish (70 calories) – Organic snap peas, asparagus, celery, onion, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, rosemary, black peppercorn.
Transcend (20 calories) – Bosc pear, hemp seed, lemon juice, salt, Madagascar vanilla paste, cardamom seed.
You can eat each soup either hot or cold, and you’re supposed to space them out by a few hours, drinking a cup of water between each soup. You shouldn’t eat any other food on your detox day.
The cleanse costs $72 regularly, but they’re running a deal right now for $58. The soups get delivered to you on your day of choice, Tuesday through Friday. More info is here.