The Onion Has Fun With Andrew Bynum’s Knees, Philly’s Misery

The Onion finds a silver lining in the uproar over Andrew Bynum’s knee injury: The misery of Philly fans. In a satirical piece posted this afternoon, the website reported: “Speaking to reporters after suffering a setback with lingering injuries, 76ers center Andrew Bynum admitted Wednesday that the intense pain in his knees was completely worthwhile considering all the misery it’s causing the Philadelphia fanbase. ‘I’d easily take a full season of this to just keep watching all these assholes crying and whining on message boards,’ said Bynum, adding that every bitching sports talk radio host makes him wish he could go through surgery all over again. ‘Do you think I would have admitted that I hurt myself while bowling if it wasn’t this fun to make these Philly fans suffer? God, this is way better than trying to bring these awful people a championship.’”  Again, this isn’t real. It just feels real. [The Onion]