What Can Philly Expect From a Second Obama Term?

Local pols broke out their crystal balls for the Inky this morning, offering federal funding prognostications ranging from the platitudinous (“It’s always good for Philadelphia to have a friend in the White House” — city controller Alan Butkovitz) to the pragmatic (our more than 557,000 votes for the president means “people in Washington will take note” — political consultant Larry Ceisler) to the potentially menacing (“Mayor Nutter and the congressional delegation should be at the front of the list” — labor leader John Dougherty). But intermittently green financial watchdog Sam Katz thinks we shouldn’t expect anything but a tasteful thank-you card: “If you take seriously things like fiscal cliffs and deficits … I don’t think this is a windfall election for Philadelphia, or any city for that matter.” [The Inquirer]