Sad, Sad Photo of Drake at a Bachelorette Party in Philly on Saturday Night
Where did Drake drown his sorrows after his concert was cancelled at the last minute?
Back at his hotel, Hotel Monaco, at Stratus Lounge for a drink.
While waiting for his bandmates to go to Ms. Tootsie’s for dinner, he went to Stratus Lounge and found these ladies celebrating Laura Roberts‘s impending marriage to Eagles safety Kurt Coleman. (Roberts is in front of Drake in the black dress.) OMG LOOK HOW UNHAPPY DRAKE IS IN THIS PHOTO, but hey, he did pose for the pretty lady. Afterward, Drake and his posse of about 20 headed over to Ms. Tootsie’s on South Street for dinner. Drake dined on chicken, waffles and greens, I was told. The gang stayed till closing and left a very generous tip.
For more on who was where doing what this weekend, check PhillyChitChat.