WATCH: Bedlam Outside the Cancelled Drake Show
You may have heard that Drake was in town on Saturday for the second stop on his “Would You Like a Tour?” tour in support of his third studio album, Nothing Was the Same. You also may have heard about his last-minute cancellation and the ensuing chaos.
I was there. Here’s how it went down:
I arrived for the concert at 7 p.m. when the performance was slated to begin. The first floor of the Wells Fargo Center was crowded with people waiting to have their tickets scanned. Only some people had been let into the venue at this point. About 15 minutes later, Wells Fargo Center employees stopped letting anyone else enter the building.
Between 7:25 to 7:30 p.m., we were finally let into the venue. My seats were in section 207A, row 14–the second to the last row in the stadium. I’d won the tickets from Wired 96.5, so I wasn’t complaining.
At 7:44 I took my first photo of my view (left), and the stadium was not nearly as crowded as you’d expect it to be for a 7 p.m. show.
Soon after, guests seated on floor level in front of the stage were evacuated.
At 8 p.m., two Wells Fargo Center employees approached me and my cousin. “How many people?” the woman asked. “Uh, two,” I said as I watched a couple a few seats down from us get up to leave. “You can move your seats now,” she said, handing me two new tickets for section 108. An upgrade? Again, I wasn’t complaining.
At 8:08 I took a snap of my new view (left). The floor seats remained empty and security blocked all entrances to the floor.
At around 8:30, we were informed that the show had been cancelled without further explanation. Philly fans being Philly fans went wild. People threw beer and food from the upper sections, while others rushed to yell at employees. The stadium was mayhem.
Employees had kicked everyone out of the Wells Fargo Center by 9 p.m. because we “had no reason to be [there].”
Those who stuck around after being escorted out of the building quickly ran toward a gate to try to get a view of the performers’ tour buses below. Hoping to see Drake, attendees patiently watched. One woman next to me shouted, “Drake! Drake! He better stay on that bus because if he comes out I’m gonna throw my fucking heel at him.”
Other angry females followed suit and threatened to “throw whatever [they] could find” while others yelled for Drake to come out of the bus. Anyone who walked off a tour bus was instantly bombarded with criticisms from screaming fans.
Deprived of their concert, fans blasted Nothing Was the Same from their cars and danced in the parking lot. When a few fights broke out in the parking lot, police attempted to end the chaos by honking car horns, setting off sirens and announcing over loudspeakers that everyone was to evacuate the area.
How did fans react? They just chanted, “We want Drake!” blocked police cars from moving, took photos of themselves standing in front of the cars, danced in front of the police and recorded videos as I did. The social media world got a quick taste of the bedlam.
The show has been rescheduled for Dec. 18.