8 Healthy Side Dishes You Can Cook for the Holidays (And Beyond!)

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Ildi Papp
The holiday season has officially arrived, and with that comes a bevy of obligations, from office potlucks to family dinners. But if you’re concerned with staying healthy in the face of rich dishes, don’t worry — there are many ways to eat healthfully over the holidays without sacrificing flavor. Here are eight delicious sides that’ll you’ll want to serve up all winter long.
Sweet Potato Pecan Casserole: Ditch the heavy cream and instead opt for this vitamin-A-rich, marshmallow-free sweet potato casserole. At 160 calories a serving with three grams fiber and three grams protein, it’s a filling bite to put in your lunchbox come season’s end.
Corny Cornbread Stuffing: It wouldn’t be the holidays without stuffing. This iteration is packed with vegetables, rosemary, thyme and no preservatives. Plus, it will make your home smell divine.
Healthy Potato Gratin with Herbs: This plate lets the potatoes stand front and center. So simple and savory, you won’t miss the traditional version in the slightest.
Pan-seared Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Pecans: Hearty greens gain a much-needed boost from tart cranberries and crunchy pecans in this colorful (and filling!) amalgamation.
Mashed Cauliflower: Sub out your typical starchy potatoes for mashed cauliflower. When paired with garlic and chives, you won’t be able to tell the difference.
Cinnamon Baked Pears: There’s no need to banish all sweets from your nutrition regimen. With natural sweetness and a drizzle of honey, these subtly spiced baked pears are candy-like all on their own.
Rosemary Roasted Carrots: Put down the calorie-dense oil. Toss your carrots in one tablespoon olive oil and then let your oven do all the legwork. The end result: super-tender carrots that pair well with a variety of entrees.
Cranberry Orange Quinoa Salad: Crank up the flavor on your next meal with this citrus-infused salad. A liberal helping of nuts and quinoa ensure this side is protein-rich.
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