The Easiest Way to Re-Fluff Your Puffer Coat At Home

Care for your puffer so you can look just as stylish next winter. | Images via Style Caster.
It’s sunny and finally feeling like spring today—hurray! This warmer weather has us dreaming of storing our cold-weather clothes away in an attempt to will the climate into turning balmy. Before you do so, however, there’s one step you can take to ensure your puffer coat stays, well, puffy. Try this easy trick before storing your cozy winter puffer away to make sure it comes out of the coat closet next November in mint condition.
The Method: Washing your puffer coat will extract any and all bacteria that bad boy has come in contact with all winter long. (Think about it. Ew.) Throw it in your washing machine on normal setting, either with a load of dirty laundry or on its own. Make sure you don’t reverse the sleeves, keeping the dirty part of the jacket facing outside to ensure you’re getting the best clean possible.
The Secret: Throw the puffer into the dryer on a low setting on its own, adding a few tennis balls to the machine. While the jacket dries, the tennis balls will bounce around the machine, constantly hitting the jacket like you would fluff a pillow back into shape. Your puffer coat will come out of the dryer looking fluffy and new, in perfect condition to be stored away for the winter.