Rumor Mill: Churn, Baby, Churn–Nordstrom Rack at Daffy’s?
Long have we waited to know the fate of the old Daffy’s space at 17th and Chestnut. The rumor that it would be Nordstrom Rack has been most persistent, but Larry Steinberg at Fameco has been remarkably coy despite our best efforts to get information out of him: slow turns on the Rack, flame under the soles of his feet, some gentle waterboarding, and et cetera. Today he said, “No comment at this time.” At this time. But at some time, right?
Nonetheless, we know that Nordstrom is expanding, we know that Nordstrom was one of the final bidders for the space, and we know that PhillyChitChat’s HughE Dillon just put it on his Twitter feed. This, friends, is as close to certain as one gets.
Do You Want to See Nordstrom Rack Open in Philly? [Racked Philly]