Mayor Nutter Tentatively Approves Statue of David Binswanger
At the renaming announcement for 1818 Market Street this afternoon, there were few big shocks. The bank’s CEO Gerry Cuddy happily and enthusiastically thanked half the known universe; Mayor Nutter proclaimed the city’s bounty–“people are investing in the city,” etc.–and a man no one in the audience recognized but who has something to do with a treasury department, may have said important things while people talked over him.
Perhaps the most endearing moment, though, came when Cuddy said, “I wanted to discuss putting a statue of David Binswanger here, but it may not be up to code.” That got a big laugh from the crowd, many of whom certainly know the commercial real estate magnate. When Mayor Nutter got up to speak after Cuddy, he agreed with the sentiment, saying he’d support the statue too, doing whatever it took to get it built.
So, David, are you ready for your closeup?
• Today: 1818 Market Street Is Renamed, Becomes Beneficial’s Corporate Headquarters