Diary of a Marriage: Meet Em

In our newest weekly blog, our very own managing editor and semi-newlywed Emily Goulet is going to dish about married life — and what it's really like

It’s funny how, in all the hectic months of wedding planning, some people — I’d even hazard to say most ­­people — forget what comes next: The whole marriage part. Once the dust settles and the thank-you notes are mailed and the wedding presents are tucked away in cabinets and the oh-my-God-we’re-married squeals have quieted, you’re down to it. The whole wonderful, boring, bizarre, difficult, funny, happy craziness that is married life.

I’ve been married for exactly two years, three months and six days. While I’m not exactly a newlywed, I’m still figuring out this whole new life of mine and getting used to all of its oddities and complexities. The two main things I’ve learned:

1.     If people tell you being married isn’t hard, they’re lying.

2.     It’s totally worth it.

My husband has graciously, surprisingly (perhaps mistakenly) given me the go-ahead to spill our stories to countless strangers on the Internet — the good, the bad, the embarrassing. I’ll be dishing about my gab and gripe sessions with other married gals (how often everyone else is really doing it; what they fight about behind closed doors; what they wish they could change; what they wouldn’t change for the world), and checking in with the guys, too, because they’ve got some opinions and juicy stories to spill as well. Feel free to ask me your questions and share your stories and give your opinions. And check in with me each week to remind yourself that, once the Wedding train grinds to a halt, you’re left, stock-still, in Marriage. And, trust me, that’s when all the good stuff really happens.

Getting married? Start and end your wedding planning journey with Philadelphia Weddings' guide to the best wedding vendors in the city.