Montco Senior Citizen Smuggled Booze to Pay for Prostitutes
A 70-something Montco man has lost his spot at an assisted living facility after a prostitute was discovered under his bed, The Intelligencer reports via the Morning Call.
That discovery led authorities to realize the man — unidentified in news reports — had been making “booze runs” for his fellow, less-mobile residents of the home, selling liquor to them at a profit. As for the profits…
“He was using his profits for prostitutes and one was found hiding under his bed,” Montgomery County Chief Financial Officer Uri Z. Monson said. The incident was mentioned at a Montgomery County Commission meeting last week.
Further details were unavailable. But nobody should be surprised: Even in retirement communities, senior citizens are having lots and lots of sex these days. And yes, we do expect to see a Will Ferrell-produced movie come out of this incident. Wilford Brimley is still alive, right?
We did check in with the Montgomery County D.A.’s office. A representative giggled when we described the story to her; she didn’t have immediate information on charges or other details in the case.