New Jersey Experiencing A “Sandy Baby Boom”

Well, what the hell else are you going to do during a hurricane? Fox 29 reports:

Superstorm Sandy babies are popping up all over the New Jersey Coast.

“We think this is one of the biggest jumps that we’ll see,” says Doctor Robert Graebe.

As we approach nine months since the storm, Doctor Graebe at the Monmouth Medical Center in Longbranch says, compared to last July, the neonatal unit has seen around a 30 percent jump in the amount of births at the hospital.

“370 babies to 500” says Dr. Graebe. “This month..500 deliveries.”

And now we wonder: How many cheeky parents will actually name their kids “Sandy?”‘ It’s a great, non-gender-specific name! Why not name your child after the event that produced his or her conception! It’s a conversation starter!