Temple’s Annual Spring Fling Turned Deadly Yesterday [Updated]

During Temple’s annual Spring Fling event, a 19-year-old woman died after falling off an apartment roof during a party.

Officers found a gruesome scene: The woman, according to investigators, somehow had fallen over a 10-inch ledge on the roof, which was crowded with dozens of partygoers, and plummeted into a narrow alley between buildings, likely “ricocheting” on her way down.

When officers arrived at the apartment, a little west of the school’s campus, they found the deck still crowded with students, and beer in the house. It is unclear, however, if the death was alcohol related. The woman went to another local university. [Daily News]

Updated [4:40 p.m.]: The student who died was Ali Fausnaught, a psychology major at West Chester University who was dating a Temple student. The Lancaster native had transferred to West Chester from the University of South Carolina.