What We Love: Your Holiday Mom
For many LGBT young people, the holiday season can be especially difficult as they navigate family, religious communities and their own feelings. That’s what inspired as many as 40 real moms (and some dads) from around the country to join YourHolidayMom.com, a website offering messages of support to the community.
The concept was started by a woman named Robin Rice who sent recorded messages to young people under the guise of Your Holiday Mom. She eventually recruited other parental figures to join the cause. Here’s an example of just one of the messages being shared this season:
Dear Adopted Holiday Child,
The holidays can be daunting. And if you’re out in the world struggling with your sexual identity without support from family, the holidays can be disheartening, as well. But guess what, you have a whole troop of mothers out here wishing you a blessed holiday season and a fantastic new year.
The main reason I agreed to be a part of this awesome endeavor is because my son came out to me when he was 16. I was supportive on the outside. I volunteered during Gay Pride Week in our community. I donated to the LGBT [cause] in our community. I provided a safe place for my son and his friends to share what they were going through and offered as much advice as I could, mainly in the area of safety. But on the inside, it took me a minute to embrace the fabulousness of this lifestyle – love!
You see, my father was gay and in the south in the 1960s – it was even harder to be true to yourself. Instead, he got married and had four kids. He lived a lie, [and] while living that lie he was unhappy, was not very nice to his wife and kids and eventually left and we never saw him again. That was 30 years ago; 2012 is a lot different than the 1960s.
During this holiday season I want you to know that you are in a way better place. Everyone may not understand what you’re going through. Your parents may not have fully embraced your unique fabulousness yet, but you have a support group and most importantly you have lots of adoptive mothers routing for your success, love and bliss.
Here’s a video about the moms:
Click here to read more messages.