MANNA Launches New Website, Shares Results

Plus: Find out how to buy a pie and support the local organization

MANNA, which delivers nourishing meals to people living with life-threatening illness throughout the

MANNA delivers nutritional meals to those suffering from life-threatening illness - and with powerful results, says new study (photo courtesy of MANNA).

region, launched its new website this week. Not only is it the go-to site for ordering pies this season during the popular Pie in the Sky fundraiser (gotta love the pumpkin, people), but the website also provides critical information about MANNA’s own mission, upcoming events and dietary facts.

The organization recently released results of a new study that shows the impact nutritional services can have on those who are suffering from illnesses, including everything from chronic conditions like HIV and AIDS and diabetes to kidney and heart disease.

“This study is an important step to being able to quantify the ways that a model program, such as MANNA, which offers a package of nutrition and support contributes to controlling healthcare costs and helps to support the health of individuals so that they can maintain and even improve their health, avoid hospitalizations and nursing home placement,” says Dr. Etienne Phipps, director of the Einstein Center for Urban Health Policy and Research.

Here are some highlights:

  • Average monthly health care costs of MANNA clients fell 62% percent for three consecutive months after beginning service for a drop of almost $30,000.
  • For HIV/AIDS patients, costs fell over 80 percent in the first three months.
  • Even when MANNA clients needed hospitalization, their improved nutritional status resulted in reducing the average number of monthly visits to half that of the comparison group and their length of stay for inpatient visits was 37 percent shorter
  • Monthly inpatient hospital costs of clients were 30 percent lower over the six months following initiation of services as compared to the six months prior to starting MANNA.
  • The costs of inpatient hospitalizations of MANNA clients were 40 percent lower. On average, the MCO paid out $12,000 less per month for MANNA clients.
  • MANNA clients were over 20 percent more likely to be released from the hospital to their home rather than to long-term care or health care facilities.
  • MANNA clients living with HIV/AIDS cost the MCO an average of $20,000 less per month.
  • “It’s my hope that this study will help ensure the future of MANNA,” says MANNA’s new executive director Sue Daugherty. “We know that there are thousands of individuals in our region who need and would benefit from our services.  We need insurance companies and healthcare executives to be educated and believe in the power of nutrition to help secure sustainable funding.”