Pulse: Chatter: The Anniversary of 311

Notable locals review the direct line to City Hall

December 31st marked the second birthday of Philadelphia’s 311 extension, that direct line to City Hall designed to help citizens with anything from business-zoning issues to neighbors who won’t pick up after their dogs. So how’s it been working? Here, some reviews.

“The service has been inconsistent. So now I just call the city departments directly if I have an issue.”  — Audrey Taichman, Owner of Twenty Manning Grill and Audrey Claire restaurants

“I think overall the system works pretty well, though it’s best for simple repair issues.” Matt Ruben, President of the Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

“I called in about people parking in the bike lanes on Spruce and Pine. I never got a response. Though in its defense, the government isn’t cued to respond to bikers.”
 — Michael McGettigan, Co-owner of Trophy Bikes

“It’s a great idea, but it hasn’t quite lived up to its promise. I’ve found that going onto the city’s website and reporting a complaint — like illegal dumping, one of my favorites — produces the best results.” Steve Duross, Co-owner of Duross & Langel

“I don’t think it works. People are just referred to a department. It’s added 40 more people to 311 instead of to the departments themselves.” Bill Green, City Councilman-at-Large