Larry Kane’s Special Night with Paul McCartney
Larry Kanes Blogs About Paul McCartney. Philly’s biggest Beatlemaniac gives all the inside details of McCartney’s performance at the White House last week, including scoop about which songs were played and Paul and Larry’s “big and long hug.” TMI, Larry. []
Milton Street Leaves Vince Behind. The former mayor’s former hot-dog-cart-running brother has left the Kentucky prison where he and Vince Fumo were incarcerated and is now apparently in an undisclosed halfway house somewhere. Milton is doing 30 months for failing to pax income taxes. [Inquirer]
Sestak Stops Bouncing. A poll released Friday shows that Pat Toomey has a seven-point lead over Joe Sestak in the Senate race. Sestak’s post-primary bounce has come to an end. []
Ed: “I’m Ready for 101 Days if Necessary.” The guv is referring to upcoming state budget negotiations, which are supposed to be completed by June 30 but last year took, like, 77 years before all sides could agree. What did we do to deserve a government like this, people? (Oh, yeah, we voted for them.) [KYW1060]
Will A New iPhone Be Unveiled Today? Steve Jobs gives the keynote address at an Apple conference in San Francisco, and rumor is he may unveil the fourth generation version of the iPhone. Nothing Philly about this story, other than the Scoop has an iPhone and thinks it’s the coolest object he’s ever owned. [KYW1060]
Magic Johnson Supports Comcast-NBCU Merger. The former hoops star — who now owns a chain of movie theaters and more than 100 (!) Starbucks franchises — wrote a letter to the House Judiciary Committee extolling NBC’s commitment to diversity and saying it will be even greater after the Comcast merger. The committee holds a hearing today in LA to weigh the impact a Comcast-NBC marriage would have on diversity on- and off-screen. [LA Times]
Donovan & T.O.: The Bromance Is Back? T.O. says he’d welcome playing with McNabb again “with open arms.” He also says they’ve talked about their issues and moved on, that he talks and texts with McNabb, and that he talked to Donovan the night he was traded to the Redskins. []