White House Bails On Specter
White House Officials View Specter Win As a Longshot. The Prez declines to make a trip to Pennsylvania to stump for Arlen. “It’s hard to see how he pulls this thing out,” one aide to Obama says of Specter. [Politico]
And Pundits View Specter Loss as Bad for the White House. “Out of juice, even in a state they won handily.” [Fox News]
Too Close to Call? It’s not just Specter-Sestak that looks tight today; it’s also Doug Pike vs. Manan Trivedi in the 6th Congressional district (which covers parts of Chester, Montgomery, Berks and the Main Line). The winner goes up against incumbent Republican Jim Gerlahch. [Daily News]
Gaming Board to Foxwoods: NO! The casino asked for an extension in preparing their argument for why they shouldn’t lose their license. The board said no way — June 1 is the day. [Inquirer]
Susquehanna Guys Shell Out Another $1.6 Million to Anthony Williams. That brings the total contributions from their PAC to Williams to $3.3 million in the governor’s race. Is buying an election like buying a stock option? We’re about to find out. [Inquirer]
Pier 34 Collapse: 10 Years Later. It was a decade ago today that three women were killed and dozens injured when the nightclub collapsed into the Delaware. Among those who lost a loved one: Nutter press secretary Doug Oliver, whose fiancee died. [WHYY]
Commencement Speaker to Haverford Grads: Slow Down. New York Times columnist Bob Herbert told graduating seniors to “focus on one thing for more than three minutes.” Bob obviously doesn’t have to edit the Scoop. [Main Line Times]
Comcast Customer Service: Not As Sucky As Before. At least according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, which saw Comcast’s score rise 3.4 percent. [Business Week]