Taste: Eat This Now: Fudge
Okay, maybe you don’t need to be convinced to indulge in chocolate no matter what the season, but do take this suggestion: The same Betty’s Tasty Buttons hot fudge sauce you poured over ice cream this summer can be stirred into warm milk to make January-perfect hot chocolate. Since the company’s inception in 2007, the eclectic offerings of Betty’s Tasty Buttons — tangy balsamic fudge, cinnamon-and-chipotle “hot lava” fudge sauce, dulce de leche-like cajeta sauce — have been Philly farmers’ market favorites. Now owner Liz Begosh is debuting Betty’s Speakeasy, a charming year-round storefront in the Graduate Hospital ’hood she grew up in. Look for an ever-expanding selection of cakes, fudge and sauces, in flavors her grandmother Betty never imagined. 2241 Grays Ferry Avenue, 267-269-2347, bettysfudge.com.