Your (Thanksgiving) Week: A Balkan Band, Two Eagles, and One Ancient Pair of Gams

TONIGHT … South Broad Street will be alight with oh just so much excitement as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra visits the Wachovia Center and the she-just-can’t-shake-it-like-she-used-to Tina Turner tries to do so at the Spectrum, where she performed in 1985, as seen here. Harrisburg’s own Jeffrey Gaines (you know him from his overplayed 2001 cover of "In Your Eyes") chills at the Tin Angel.

SUNDAY … Completely not in the holiday spirit, the Colonial screens one of my favorite film noir flicks, Double Indemnity, in the afternoon. To make up for it, they present the City Rhythm Orchestra‘s Christmas show later that night. And as all good things must come an end, that LEGO exhibit at the Swedish Museum finally calls it a day.

Happy Thanksiving!