The Good Life: Tan Lines, Be Gone!
Jessica Blatt replies: I can tell you this, Kim: The best place not to go right after your spray tan is to your office. After subjecting myself to a recent shpritz in the name of research (anything for you, dear reader), I returned to my evil colleagues, only to have them pause a meeting for 15 freakin’ minutes to laugh over how ridiculous I looked (specifically, how white my teeth and eyeballs were in comparison to my faux-glow). But a few showers and two at-home exfoliations later … my spray-on looked more even and way less orange than any of the DIY creams or wipes I’ve tried. And between you and me — and not the hundreds of thousands of other readers of this mag — I’m totally into my trashy new G-string tan line! So if you’ve got the time (block off a good 90 minutes), the money ($45 for your body, or $75 for body and face), and the shamelessness (you’ll be naked but for a disposable loincloth, in front of a complete stranger), head to the spray-tan capital of the world (that would be New Jersey) and Louis Christian Wayne Robert Salon and Spa (in Cherry Hill at 1990 Route 70 East, 856-751-2233, or in Moorestown at 220 Young Avenue, 856-235-0678; Note: A not-evil colleague prefers Mystic Tan’s do-it-yourself booths (see for a vendor in your area) to one-on-one spray sessions; at around $25 a hit, she says, they’re less uncomfortable (she fainted during a one-on-one; OMG!), and have far less drastic results; you’ll have to go twice to see a difference.
Oh, and one more thing: Don’t just avoid your office after your visit; also avoid wearing clothes you care about, or sleeping on light-colored sheets. You’re not supposed to shower for eight hours after your spray, and this stuff runs faster than a mortified magazine staffer from her shallow workmates.
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