Taste: Shopping at: Pinot

Gourmet stores, like petite, Spanish-influenced Quince on Girard Avenue (try the Matiz Andaluz sugared crisps) and pretty Old City Cheese (pick up some Ardrahan, pungent Irish cow’s-milk cheese), are becoming ever more frequent in the city’s landscape, but newest-comer Pinot (227 Market Street; 215-627-9463) caters to an even more refined niche: the gourmet-accessory crowd. On a block near 2nd Street better known to the demographic that shoots its liquor, this almost-home store feeds the appetite of those who sniff and swirl. Finds include the who-knew-you-needed-it leather-wrapped flask with space to store golf tees, delicate connoisseurs-only wine thermometers, and the absolutely essential Rabbit knockoff wine opener (at right; just $34.95). There’s even chocolate designed specifically for wine drinkers, with different types and intensities of cocoa matched to specific grapes. But you’ll have to go elsewhere for the wine. This is still Pennsylvania.