Cicala, Sbraga, Lacroix, and More Named to American Chef Corps

The Inquirer has the story on seven local chefs were recently inducted into a brand new State Department program called the American Chef Corps. Earlier this week at a reception, 90 chefs from across the country agreed to lend their expertise to service the USA by promoting diplomacy between nations. Chefs can be called upon to cook at official functions like a private dinner at the White House or a banquet collaborating with multiple chefs. When chefs travel abroad they can also be asked to do an event with the American embassy in that country.

Joe Cicala of Le Virtu, Kevin Sbraga of Top Chef fame, retired chef of his namesake restaurant Jean-Marie Lacroix, Guillermo Pernot of Cuba Libre, Masaharu Morimoto, Matthew Ridgway of PorcSalt, and Haverford caterer Michael Callahan are the seven local chefs that have joined up with the program.

Essentially the idea behind the Corps is that the sharing of a meal between diplomats will promote cultural exchange and understanding, bettering relations between nations. We are happy to have some of our own cooking for peace here and abroad. Congratulations, chefs!

Photo courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer.