
Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer has an interesting story regarding three Philadelphia bars getting busted for serving alcohol without a valid liquor license. Often times it is the bartender and not the owner who winds up getting arrested.

One of the bars, Old City’s Triada was caught substituting cheap vodka for top shelf stuff.

At the Triada lounge in Old City where four bartenders and an owner were arrested Friday for serving without a license, police noted that the bar menu listed $200 for a bottle of Absolut and $450 for a bottle of Grey Goose. But in the back room, investigators said, they found empty bottles of the premium vodka near full bottles of Banker’s Club, a rot-gut vodka purchased for $7 in New Jersey.

Sgt. William La Torre of Liquor Control Enforcement said he questioned the owner, Gregory J. Wright, who told him he substituted the cheaper liquor because “times are tough.”

Three unlicensed Philadelphia bars raided [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Triada [MySpace]