Two Bells for Two Nicholas’s

Craig LaBan reviewed South Philly BYOB Nicholas and discovered that chef-owners Nick Matteo and Nick Sweeney, “clearly remembered to give their casual new bistro the one essential ingredient it needs to eventually become complete: heart.” But… LaBan cautions his cranky suburban readership that there’s no need to hop in the Beemer and head to Pennsport to sample the fresh-n-local fare:

“The result may not be the kind of fine-dining destination that merits a drive from far afield. But the little BYOB they created has the charm, personality and value to be a delightful neighborhood fixture, especially for an emerging neighborhood like Pennsport in deep South Philly, which had yet to score its go-to local bistro.”

Next week, LaBan hits another South Philly jawn, Da Vinci.

Nicholas Review [Inquirer]
Nicholas [Official Site]