Dog Missing From Philadelphia Area Found in Oregon
A dog missing from a Philadelphia suburb was found nearly 3,000 miles away in a suburb of Portland, Oregon.
Someone in the city of Tualatin spotted a Jack Russell terrier and brought it to an animal shelter. A microchip in the 7-year-old dog led to her identity: Gidget, owned by a woman in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The dog had been missing since April 22nd.
“She’s never lived here; there is nothing that would bring her here,” Deborah Wood, manager of Washington County Animal Services, told the Associated Press. “So a human somehow brought her here, but we don’t know who or how.” Wood wouldn’t release the owner’s name to reporters.
Wood came forward with the story, though, because there’s no way to get the dog back home to the Philadelphia area. The owner can’t afford to fly out to get the dog. Wood says she’s hoping someone flying from Portland to Philadelphia could bring the dog with them.
“Gidget’s owner clearly loves her, and has been trying for the past couple of weeks to find a way to get her home,” Wood said in a release. “Our goal is to get this dog back to her worried family, and we’re going to have to be creative to do so.”