YES: Rocky 50K Organizer Comes Up With Brilliant Idea for DNC Donkey Fun Run

young woman runner tying shoelace at the sunrise seaside
So we’ve already told you about one fit way to get in on the DNC action this month (that would be RideDNC), but if biking isn’t your thing, not to worry, here’s another fit event that might float your boat: The DNC Donkey Run.
The fun run is the brainchild of Rebecca Barber — yep: the same brilliant runner behind the Rocky 50k — and is taking place this Saturday, July 16th. The plan is to meet at 8 a.m. in the Navy Yard at 4747 South Broad Street, and then book it for about 14.28 miles to Philadelphia Runner‘s University City Location, passing by all the painted donkeys — yep: all 57 of them! — posted up around town for the DNC.
At the finish line, runners will hang out, refuel with refreshments and beer, and, if your legs still have any life left in them, shake it to some tunes. Bonus: If biking is your thing, you’ll have over a week to recover before RideDNC. You can find out more about the run and RSVP to join in here. Now, we’re just waiting on some DNC-inspired yoga …
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