It Can Be Done: 7 Savory Oatmeal Recipes

I was doing some recipe research earlier this week when suddenly, like a lightening bolt from the heavens, it hit me: Oatmeal doesn’t have to be sweet. It was a considerable revelation because, as an oatmeal consumer who has eaten the stuff on a near daily basis since age five, it literally never occurred to me not to sweeten my oatmeal. Which, when you think about it, is sort of ironic, considering the reason I like oatmeal in the first place is precisely because it’s a blank, endlessly versatile canvas to which you can add pretty much anything—including savory things.
This train of thought sent me on a wild goose chase across the vast Internets to find the most appetizing savory oatmeal recipes. And so here we have it, folks: seven savory oatmeal recipes I am absolutely dyyyyyying to try.
Spicy Oatmeal with Peanuts, Cilantro and Ginger
via Shape
This sounds to me like a kicked-up Pad Thai. Only, you know, with oatmeal.
Squash, Sage and Bacon Oatmeal
via Serious Eats
I think the good-for-you squash cancels out the bad-for-you bacon, right? Right.
Sriracha Oatmeal
via The Sriracha Cookbook Blog
Guys, this oatmeal not only features Sriracha hot sauce, it is also topped with an egg. I know: brain explosion.
Mushroom and Parmesan Oatmeal
via Clean Eating Recipes
This recipe uses pre-cooked oatmeal, which means you could make the oats the night before then whip up this piping hot breakfast in minutes.
Cheesy Oats
via Oh She Glows
I’m pretty sure this is hearty enough to be dinner. But if you like a huge breakfast (i.e. you’re more apt to order the Grand Slam at Denny’s than the yogurt), this could be the breakfast for you.
Curried Oatmeal with Caramelized Onions
via Tea & Cookies
Onions might seem like a strange add-in, but think about it: Caramelized onions are a tad sweet, so I think they would play nicely in this dish.
Oatmeal with Apples, Gruyere and Rosemary
via Shelbs & Cheese
Can you say, um, YUM?
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