The Checkup: What to Do About Refrigerated Food If the Power Goes Out
• And so, it’s happening, just as they said it would. Hurricane Sandy is well on her way this morning, most of us are hunkered down at home, and the Internet is appropriately buzzing. This morning, ABC News posted some health-related tips for riding out the storm—things like what to do about spoiled food if the power goes out (do you know how long you can let your freezer go without power?), how to use generators safely and more. Check it out here. And please, stay safe today.
• In other news (believe it or not, there is other news): pull-ups. Ladies, why the heck can’t most of us do them? The New York Times has the answer.
• Up All Night star Christina Applegate talked to More magazine this month about her fight with breast cancer and how she misses her “exquisite breasts.” Seriously, I love this woman. More here.