The Checkup: Tony Luke Jr. Dropped 122 Pounds in a Year
• Men’s Health ran a piece yesterday on Philly’s own Tony Luke Jr., the guy behind all those cheesesteak joints. The angle? His super impressive 122-pound weight loss, which he’s managed to achieve over the past year. According to the story, Luke got help from local weight-loss doc Matthew Pinto, who taught him to respect proper portion sizes and eat everything in moderation (yes, even cheesesteaks). It’s a nice story—especially considering the alternative (see: Joey Vento, heart attack)—but the best part’s at the end: his restaurants, Luke says, are now offering smaller portion sizes. Now, that’s something I can get behind.
• Well, geez. If you’re watching your sodium intake, you’re not safe anywhere, it seems. That’s according to a new Centers for Disease Control report which came out yesterday, detailing the top 10 sources of sodium in a person’s diet. On the list: bread and rolls (!!), poultry and pasta. According to the report, 90 percent of Americans eat more than the recommended daily allotment; too much sodium, as you know, contributes to high blood pressure. But with these sneaky sources of sodium, I can see why we’re all overdoing it! I never imagined the bread on my sandwich could pack such a punch. Sigh.
• Is there a measurable biomarker for sleepiness? Researchers around the world are hot on its trail, the Wall Street Journal reports. If they find it, there could someday be a test to measure how sleepy you—or your surgeon, or your pilot—are before you set out to do something.