TMZ Releases New Video of Ray Rice Knocking Out Fiancée in Atlantic City

Previously, we'd only seen the video of the aftermath.

[UPDATE: 2:54 p.m.] SB Nation reports that Ray Rice is no longer a member of the Baltimore Ravens, following furor over leaked video of Rice punching his then-fiancee:

The Baltimore Ravens have released running back Ray Rice, the team announced on Monday afternoon. The release comes following a video of him striking his then-fiancee Janay Palmer and knocking her unconscious leaked Monday through TMZ.

[ORIGINAL: 7:59 a.m.] Warning: This is brutal.

TMZ reports:

This is what a two game suspension looks like — Ray Rice delivering a vicious punch to his fiancee’s face, knocking her out cold … and TMZ Sports has the shocking video.

We’ve already shown you the aftermath outside the elevator … Rice dragging the unconscious woman on the floor. But we’ve now obtained video of the punch that put her down, raising the question … What was the NFL thinking when it wrist-slapped Rice with such feeble punishment?

The incident took place Feb. 15th at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City — after Ray and then-fiancee (now wife) Janay Palmer got into a heated argument on their way into the elevator.

Rice, a member of the Baltimore Ravens, was suspended two games for the incident. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell later apologized for the short punishment, and announced a policy lengthening the penalties for domestic violence in the league.