The PPD Wants You to Drive With “Covfefe”

Philly police just won Twitter by turning Donald Trump's viral typo tweet into a PSA.

Covfefe: the viral typo born into the world last night via President Donald Trump’s small, tweeting hands.

The word has inspired a slew of headlines like “Trump targets ‘negative press covfefe’ in garbled midnight tweet that becomes worldwide joke” and “What’s a ‘Covfefe’? Trump Tweet Unites a Bewildered Nation” and “Covfefe is a word now. Deal with it.” 

These are, of course, appearing beside headlines that are much more pressing, like “Trump expected to withdraw from Paris climate agreement,” which you should definitely read. But because this is the internet and we love when silly things go viral, especially things like Trump’s distracting tweets, we present one of the best responses to “covfefe,” which comes from Philly’s own police department.

The joke likely came from the department’s digital arm, Sergeant Eric Gripp, whose tweets sometimes include Drake references.

Philly Twitter was loving the PPD’s response this morning.

Though some, of course, did not appreciate the joke.

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