HughE Dillon One-Shot: Selena Gomez (Yes, She Brought Bieber)
Selena Gomez promoted her new clothing line, Dream Out Loud, at Kmart in Center City at 11:30 this morning. About 500 girls (with moms and dads) waited in line—some since 9 p.m. last night. The signing was set up for Selena to autograph only her fashion posters, but this lucky fan (below) whipped off her shoe for Selena’s signature. Selena brought her boyfriend, Justin Bieber, to town. They went to a pool party somewhere around here yesterday. (Justin tweeted a pic.) Last night they ate at Vetri, and then went to a late showing of 30 Minutes or Less at the Riverview. No one bothered the affectionate couple. (Perhaps because their fans would have had to be tucked away at home due to the city-wide curfew.) Tonight she’ll be performing at the Mann.