Bistrot La Minette


Cozy Up to Fall with Bistrot La Minette’s October Tasting Menu

This time of year, we’re feeling chunky sweaters, hot toddies, and slow-cooked meats. (Yes, despite the fact that fall weather now apparently means 80 degrees and […]


Let Bistrot La Minette Transport You To Provence Tonight

Bistrot La Minette has a slew of dinners scheduled this summer that will transport guests from Bella Vista to France. In June, July, and August, […]


Drink Pink at Bistrot La Minette’s Rosé in May Dinners This Week

While rosé can no longer be considered trendy — that designation currently belongs to orange wine — pink wine has gained ground in the mainstream […]


Five Family-Style Meals to Try in Philly Restaurants Now

The way we eat today — mixing and matching and plate-sharing — can make ordering when you’re out with a large group a challenge. Which […]


Where to Celebrate Bastille Day This Week

Still looking for an excuse to set off  your leftover fireworks? No worries, Bastille Day is this week on Thursday, July 14th.  There’s plenty happening […]


Philly Has Chestnuts Roasting

It’s a little warm out for an open fire, but for many Christmas time means the sweet flavor of chestnuts, be they roasted, pureed, or […]


This Thursday: Celebrate France and Beaujolais Nouveau

On the third Thursday of November, Beaujolais Nouveau hits the world. It is the first taste of the 2015 vintage and in France, it’s a […]


Philadelphia’s 51st Best Restaurant

There’s something you have to understand about this year’s 50 Best Restaurants list. If a restaurant is on it at all–whether in the coveted first […]


50 Best Restaurants Poll: Bistrot La Minette

This week, we’re running daily surveys, polling readers about where they believe certain restaurants will land on Philadelphia magazine list of the 50 Best Restaurants. Answer the […]


Open Stove XXIV: Not Very Mexican At All

If life was fair, we’d all be living differently. That’s what I would’ve told our contestants last night before they started cooking, had I had […]


Thai New Year Knife Fight At Circles

Chefs Alex Boonphaya (of Circles) and Peter Woolsey (of Bistrot La Minette) were just going to get together for a plain old collaboration dinner in […]


Bistrot La Minette Launches Happy Hour

Tonight, Bistrot La Minette is launching happy hour. The French restaurant is offering half-price appetizers and some excellent drink deals. The deal runs from 5:30 p.m. […]


Open Stove XXI: Now We’re Legal

It is hard to believe sometimes that we have been doing Foobooz Open Stove Nights at COOK for as long as we have. But by […]


Peter Woolsey Stepping Away from the Kitchen a Bistrot La Minette

Peter Woolsey has been the face of Bistrot La Minette since it opened almost six years ago. But with another restaurant project on the horizon, […]


FringeArts Restaurant Going to Peter Woolsey of Bistrot La Minette

The new FringeArts venue at Race Street and Columbus Boulevard opened back in October and has hosted a handful of shows since then. But the […]