Tech-Savvy Upper Dublin Students Vetted “Swinger Guru” Speaker Better Than Adults Did

The best detective in the world is a teenager with a smartphone.

The Inquirer reports that Upper Dublin school officials won’t say what vetting processes they used before Jason C. Jean a “swinger guru” gave an inspirational pep talk at a school assembly. Turns out the students did the vetting—before the assembly was even over:

Jean said Monday that his comments revolved around lessons he had drawn from his successes and failures in life. He urged students to pursue their dreams and practice good communication.

But what some students heard most clearly were claims Jean made about himself that they deemed unbelievable, including that he was drafted by the Phillies when he was 16.

So, during the assembly, students used their cellphones to look him up on the Internet, and to share their findings on social media websites.

They learned about his earlier business venture called SwingFest Events, which organized adult lifestyle conferences.

And, no doubt, the students were inspired. Perhaps they can teach Upper Dublin officials how to use Google.