Philly Officers Charged in Masturbation Incident
CBS Philly reports that former Philadelphia Police Officer Joseph Harvey, 39, and Philadelphia Police Officer Sean Cahill, 34, have been charged in connection with a 2009 incident.
The station reports:
According to the indictment, on or about October 8, 2009, defendant Joseph Harvey while acting under color of law as a police officer with the Philadelphia Police Department, instructed the victim to remove all of her clothing and sit naked while he masturbated, thereby willfully depriving the victim of the right, secured and protected by the United States Constitution and the law of the United States, to be free from an unreasonable seizure by a police officer.
The indictment further alleges that defendant Cahill falsely claimed that he was with Harvey, and that Harvey was never alone with the victim at the time that the victim alleged she was instructed by Harvey to undress.
Yuck. Here’s the weird part: Cahill potentially faces a longer prison term—a max of five years, compared to one year for Harvey. While we disdain cops who lie, we honestly think that cops who force women to disrobe so they can masturbate should probably get the harsher sentence.