Condoms for Philly Schools

Free condoms will be available at 22 schools starting in January

Photo by Think Stock

Philly students who return to their schools in the New Year will look forward to having access to a new way to help prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs. As many as 22 public schools in Philadelphia are installing condom vending machines during the winter break. While the decision is drawing criticism from some parent groups, the statistics are staggering:

-61 percent of Philly high school students are having sex

-40 percent of these students aren’t using condoms

-A quarter of new HIV infections in Philly are among teens

“Condoms are an important part of general prevention,” says Don Schwartz, the deputy mayor for health and opportunity in Philadelphia. “We also believe that parents need to be educating their kids.”

Click here to watch Schwartz talk to CNN. And tell us what you think.