Strippers to Protest at the Daily News Tuesday Afternoon
In 2006 our Richard Rys wrote of Delilah’s Gentleman’s Club and Steakhouse in a piece on strip clubs in Philadelphia (emphasis ours): Everything about this place feels far removed from Philadelphia: striptaculars like the “Diamond G-String Competition” with all the spectacle of a Las Vegas revue; the Ruby Lounge, a VIP-access-only hideaway reminiscent of backstage at a Mötley Crüe concert; even the campy, non-threatening ’50s-pinup print ads that practically scream, “We swear your mug shot won’t end up on the cover of the Daily News if you stop by.
Well, patrons at Delilah’s may not have ended up on the cover of the Daily News, but a woman from The Gold Club did when the paper ran an investigative(?) cover story about the state of the stripping industry and how it appears to be handcuffed to crime and violence. Melissa Bang Bang Forgione has responded by creating a Facebook event for a protest tomorrow afternoon. As of 2:15 today, nearly 80 strippers and supporters of the industry had registered to attend the protest at the Daily News at 3 p.m. tomorrow. If you ask us, that sounds like a lot more fun than having an angry CA Conrad storm into your office. [Daily News]