What We Love: DIY Headlong

Did you ever dream of being a dancer? Here's your chance.

Courtesy of Headlong

How many times have you watched Fred Astaire glide across that TV of yours? Ok, so you may not be Ginger, but you do have the opportunity to make those starry-eyed dreams come true. Headlong Dance Theater has created Do-It-Yourself-With-Headlong that allows Philly area residents to create their very own shows.

Headlong is offering a series of three free workshops open to all Philadelphia-area households on May 20, June 3 and June 10 (1 p.m. – 4 p.m.). Aspiring performers will be given tools and techniques to use dance, theater and music to tell their own stories.

“Watching dance and theater is wonderful, but making a show is incredible,” says Headlong Co-Director Andrew Simonet. “We’re offering people a chance to make their own performances about their worlds, the stories and rhythms of their home.”

The Do-It-Yourself workshops are inspired by This Town is a Mystery in which Headlong journeys into four Philadelphia households. “We had over 40 Philadelphia households apply for This Town is a Mystery, and we could only work with four of them,” says Simonet. “We want to give everybody who wants to make a show the chance to go through an artistic process with guidance and tools from professional artists. We think this work can change your life.”

Not only will participants take home Headlong’s Do-It-Yourself workbook, which is chock full of rehearsal ideas, assignments and principles for making a show, but the best part is that anyone can participate, including children and adults. “No previous experience is required and the workshops and book are free,” says Simonet. Households may even perform their shows just for friends, or present them for the public with guidance from the dance company.


“It’s a chance to learn about yourself, your home, and the beautiful and challenging art of performing,” says Simonet. “Don’t just watch the show, make the show.”

For more information, or to sign up for this free program, click here, or contact Andrew Simonet at Andrew@headlong.org or 215-767-6881.