Christie Tears DRPA a New One

This is how patronage dies — brutally. Plus: Former Flyers finally erase the taint of their Canadian birth, yet another thing that won't save A.C., and more of what's news in Philly this morning

The Broad Street Bullies Were … Canadian? Four members of the 1974-’75 championship Flyers, including Dave “The Hammer” Schultz, are finally becoming U.S. citizens. [Inquirer]

DRPA Perks Are Perks No More. Again. Chris “The Hammer” Christie yesterday reversed the DRPA board’s Wednesday reversal of its own ban on free employee tolls. Do I have that right? I think so. It’s getting hard to tell. [NBC 10]

Nutter and Council Baring Teeth Over DROP. “Not so sure the public is outraged” say the seven Council members who are themselves part of DROP. Yes, we are. [WHYY]

Pa., N.J. Companies Above National Average for Data Breaches. Some recent local highlights: 21,000 outpatient records at Jefferson and 1.2 million customer records at Lincoln Financial. [Philadelphia Business Journal]

Boardwalk Empire Premiere in Atlantic City. Everyone’s excited in the ailing gambling town, because a show set in Prohibition-era A.C. and filmed in Brooklyn will surely bring millions of … lots of … some … um — why’s everyone excited, again? [Inquirer]

Public Education, Brought to You by Metamucil. The New Jersey legislature is considering a bill to allow districts to sell advertising space on the outside of their school buses. [Inquirer]

Inside the Sweet, Sweet Den of Iniquity. SugarHouse Casino cracked its doors yesterday for a media preview. [6 ABC]