Jon Runyan’s DUI Trouble

Among other problems in his run for Congress. Plus: Larry Brown's in agony, the Travel Channel's eating cheesesteaks and more of what's news this morning

Jon Runyan’s DUI Trouble. A report surfaced the other day about a drunk driving arrest while the former Eagle (and current NJ Congressional candidate) was in college. Then Runyan himself copped to a host of other sins, including failing to pay franchise and property taxes on time and copyright-infringement charges on a book deal. Welcome to politics, Jon. [Inquirer]

Good Stuff, Bad Stuff from City Council. Good: a panel approved a bill to make lobbyists register before doing their dirty work. Bad: the same panel approved a bill that would allow city workers to work on political campaigns or run for office. [Inquirer]

Another Half Million from the Susquehanna International Guys. The school choice PAC they back, Students First, gave an additional $515,000 to Anthony Hardy Williams’ campaign for governor. The Bala finance dudes have already kicked in more than $2 million to Williams’ campaign. [Inquirer]

Nutter Won’t Trim More from Budget Unless Soda Tax Is Approved. Word is Council is getting closer to a deal that could include a nearly 10 percent property tax increase. But the mayor is still pushing for some version of the soda tax. [Inquirer]

Travel Channel Is Coming! Klein reports they’ll be hear this weekend to eat cheesesteaks for an episode of Food Wars. []

The Mormons Are Coming! They’re building a $70 million temple at 17th and Vine. []

The Agony of Being Larry Brown. LB says he hasn’t talked to the Sixers, but still misses his wife and kids back in Philly. Meanwhile, Ed Snider apparently only wants him as coach, not as GM or team prez. The Scoop finds this all strangely riveting. [AOL Fanhouse]

Tom Knox Backs Specter. The former mayoral and gubernatorial candidate (and maybe mayoral candidate again?) sent an email blast to his campaign list talking up Arlen’s experience and moderation. [PoliticsPA]

Lower Merion: Lowest School Tax Hike in 15 Years. Just 4 percent. Which means no new camera-equipped laptops? [Main Line Times]