The Weekender Bonus Puzzle
A man walks into a bar and orders a Jameson. The bartender says, "Sir, that’ll be six dollars." The man reaches into his pocket and realizes that he left his wallet at home and that he has not a penny on him. He explains the situation to the bartender. The bartender takes a napkin and writes the number 228 on it, followed by a space, and then the number 456. He says, "If you can write a mathematical symbol in the space between those two numbers that results in a number that is greater than the first number but less than the second number, you can have the drink for free." The man thinks for a second and puts a symbol between the two numbers. The bartender looks and it and says, "Sir, enjoy your drink." What symbol did the man put between the two numbers?
Got the answer? Don’t post it here. E-mail it to me. The first person to respond with the correct answer wins a pair of tickets to Martini Madness at the Constitution Center next Wednesday.
UPDATE: We have a winner. Congratulations to Mary D. of Washington Crossing, NJ, who just won a pair of tickets to Martini Madness at the Constitution Center next Wednesday. But don’t worry. If you didn’t win, you can get $10 off the $50 ticket price by using the promotional code WEEKENDER. Want to see the solution? Click here.