Endless Summer Fun: With Your Pets
Let the dogs out
Doesn’t your devoted dogster deserve a break from his everyday routine? The Radisson hotel’s Petcation package makes for a pooch-perfect getaway. You get two free meals from Tavern 17’s doggie menu, a doggie welcome bag and more, from $234 a night on weekends. Cost: $$$. 1701 Locust Street, 215-735-6000, radisson.com
Take a shih tzu to supper! Our favorite Fifi-friendly dining spots: Rouge, where they’ll bring her water and a biscuit (205 South 18th Street, 215-732-6622); Parc, where they’ll do the same (227 South 18th Street, 215-545-2262); and, in New Hope, the Landing, where the wonderful waiters fuss even over big ol’ smelly mutts (22 North Main Street, 215-862-5711, landingrestaurant.com). Cost: $$.
The great thing about dogs? They love you even when you’re broke. The least you can do is take yours to a doggie park. Choice choices: the Schuylkill River Park dog run (25th Street between Pine and Spruce); Seger dog park (11th Street between Lombard and South); Mario Lanza Park (2nd Street between Catharine and Queen); and Pooch Park (Cooper River Park, Cherry Hill). Cost: $.