Pulse: Chatter: Scourge On The Main Line

An epidemic comes to a head

“There is no one season for lice,” professional nitpicker Wendy Pincus says cheerfully. “There will be outbreaks in one area and it’ll be the hot topic for a while, and the next month, it will be a hot topic among another group in another area.” That may be cold comfort for the scads of Main Liners hit by nits early this year (you’re next, South Jersey!) — but in the meantime, folks in Bryn Mawr and beyond have taken action, calling on Pincus’s year-old company, Family Lice Removal. Because the critters have begun to build up resistance to over-the-counter products, people have had to turn to pros like Pincus and crew, who use nontoxic shampoo to stun the lice, then pick them from victims’ hair for $175 a head (with a $100 follow-up seven to 10 days later). “I’ve been doing two or three [clients] a day for the last two or three weeks,” Family Lice Removal’s David Loewenstein says. “The average head takes two to three hours, but I was at one place from 2 until 11 p.m. Three families in one cul-de-sac all had to be de-loused.”