Feury at Fork: Big Changes Coming

We’ve got the details on Terence Feury’s new plans for the Old City staple

Fork Restaurant has been such an Old City staple it’s tough to imagine how to reinvent it, but when Terence Feury takes the wheel in the kitchen on February 1st, big changes are coming. The chef — who will bring two loyal sous chefs (charcuterie master Andrew Wood and Michael Ryan, who has worked with Feury since his Striped Bass days) with him from Villanova’s Maia — plans to make his trademark seafood fare the focus of Fork’s menu. “I expect to introduce two or three new dishes a day until the whole menu is new,” says Feury. Word to the wise: Plan to attend one of Feury’s first weekly bistro dinners that will happen each Wednesday night in Fork: Etc. Just like at Talula’s Table, diners will gather at one communal table in the market for a set menu of adventurous dishes. At Fuery’s first feast — scheduled for February 11th — he plans to serve five to seven courses of creative seafood-focused fare. A place at this chef’s table just might become the must-have culinary experience of 2009, but be sure to arrive early: There are no reservations, and it’s first-come, first-serve.