Single in Philly

At this very moment, 650,000 Philadelphians are going solo. This month, we tell their stories. Hunt down their haunts. And present to you two dozen of the city’s most eligible eligibles. So if you’re also out there solo, and searching, you need search no further. And if you’re not? Go ahead, Take a peek. (Hey, there’s no harm in looking)

The Bachelorettes
Torrie Williams, 24
Occupation: Associate producer, FOX 29’s Good Day Philadelphia. Cats or dogs: Dogs. I have a Pomeranian named Dolce. She is definitely a pampered pooch. Fears: Fire. I don’t even light matches. Favorite athlete: Brian Westbrook. Bump into me: At the Willow Grove Park Mall.
Elena Brennan, 50
Occupation: Owner, Bus Stop boutique. Secret talent: I speak four foreign languages: Greek, French, German and Spanish. Perfect date: A walk in the park, holding hands, with someone who makes me laugh. I grew up: In London. Bump into me: In Queen Village.
Hilary Regan, 26
Occupation: Sustainable marketing consultant for Domani Developers. Hobby: Keeping the casinos off the waterfront. Favorite TV show: MacGyver. Favorite restaurant: Sovalo. Bump into me: At Penn Treaty Park.
Katelyn Prominski, 24
Occupation: Ballet dancer. Favorite movies: Love Actually and Walk the Line. Last meal on earth: Steak burrito. Best concert: Madonna. Turn-on: Quiet confidence. Bump into me: At a cupcake bakery.
Dale Apple, 57
Occupation: Elementary-school teacher. Best concert ever: Bruce Springsteen at the Spectrum. Cats or dogs: Both. I have three cats and one dog. Typical Sunday morning: Yoga class at LA Fitness. Best dish I know how to make: Pumpkin cobbler — it’s very fattening and delicious. Bump into me: Outside, in the garden.
Deborah Cooper Nixon, 44
Occupation: Assistant district attorney. Secret talent: Poetry and creative writing. Best dish I know how to make: Macaroni and cheese. Favorite movies: Philadelphia and The Hurricane. Bump into me: At Starbucks, just about any time of day.
Nina Tinari, 28  
Occupation: Special assistant to Governor Rendell. Last meal on earth: My mom’s pasta and gravy. Turn-off: Smoking. Best concert: Too many to list: U2, Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Sheryl Crow. Last book I read: Life’s a Campaign, by Chris Matthews. Bump into me: Around Rittenhouse Square or with Governor Rendell.
Laurie ­Eastburn ­Bayon, 52
Occupation: Project manager at GlaxoSmithKline. Secret talent: Flutist in the Bucks County Symphony. Official favorite movie: 12 Angry Men. Secret favorite movie: Love Actually. When I grow up, I want to be: A travel consultant to exotic places. Bump into me: At soccer games or hardware stores.
Kayce Cashman, 27
Occupation: Publicist. Official favorite movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Secret favorite movie: Mean Girls. Favorite book: Bright Lights, Big City. Best vacation spot: Vegas. Best concert: The Killers. Last meal on earth: Sushi. Bump into me: At a Cashman & Associates event.
Maureen Ferguson, 37
Occupation: Co-owner of Du Jour in Haverford Square and Symphony House. Official favorite movie: Casablanca. Secret favorite movie: Old School. Favorite athlete: Roger Federer. Best concert: The Stones at Vets Stadium in 1989. Best vacation spot: Any vacation is great. I love them all. Bump into me: At Osteria.
Jennifer Carroll, 33
Occupation: Chef de cuisine at 10 Arts. Secret talent: I can change a tire faster than any man. Hobbies: Sleeping, going to the beach, eating at nice restaurants. Last meal on earth: A Krispy Kreme doughnut. Bump into me: Walking on Chestnut Street by Rittenhouse Square.
Tina Wells, 28
Occupation: CEO of Buzz Marketing Group; children’s author. Turn-on: Someone who loves to travel more than I do. Fears: Not finding a Starbucks in the morning. Favorite restaurant: Morimoto. Second language: French. Bump into me: At the Ritz movie theaters.
The Bachelors
Robert Winn, 44
Occupation: Co-owner, Official favorite movies: Gladiator, Braveheart and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Secret favorite movie: Caddyshack. Last book I read: John Adams, by David McCullough. Last meal on earth: Steak. Bump into me: At New Hope Fitness.
Larry Farnese, 39
Occupation: Politician/attorney. Favorite books: Atlas Shrugged, The Great Gatsby, Dante’s Inferno. Fears: Bush Republicans. Relationship deal-breaker: A girl who takes herself too seriously. Bump into me: On the street, handing out literature during campaign season.
Curtis Slipman, 50
Occupation: Physician. Turn-on: Genuine sweetness. Best vacation spot: Winter in St. Barts and spring in Paris. Favorite form of exercise: Running, though I’m permanently benched. Typical Sunday morning: Sleeping. Bump into me: At Rouge or Morimoto, or in South Beach.
Bill Burke-White, 32
Occupation: Penn Law professor. Alma maters: Undergrad and law degrees from Harvard; master’s and Ph.D. from Cambridge. Hobbies: Traveling, squash, cooking and baking. Fears: Not living life to its fullest. Bump into me: At La Colombe.
Carlos Melendez, 40
Occupation: Owner, Coyote Crossing restaurant. Where I grew up: In Mexico and Central America. I left home when I was 14. Last meal on earth: Foie gras. Turn-on: Integrity. Bump into me: At my restaurant.
Todd Pride, 41
Occupation: Managing director of Collective Voices, Inc. Hobbies: NASCAR racing, fishing, deer-hunting and reading. When I grow up, I want to be: A great husband. Turn-off: When girls overdress. Bump into me: At any of the quiet restaurants off the Square.
Ronen “Roni” Koresh, 47
Occupation: Choreographer/artistic director. Where I grew up: In Israel. Favorite books: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Hobbies: People-watching. Favorite form of exercise: Dance. Bump into me: At La Colombe or Snackbar.
Jason Tavares, 32
Occupation: Master stylist at Pierre & Carlo. Secret talent: Singing. When I grow up, I want to be: A celeb. Best concert: Beyoncé. Sexual orientation: Open. Bump into me: At Capital Grille, the gym or a local bar.
Jamison Uhler, 33
Occupation: TV reporter and fill-in anchor for NBC 10 News. Secret talent: Photographic memory. Official favorite movie: Good Will Hunting. Secret favorite movie: Say Anything. When I grow up, I want to be: A professional golfer. Bump into me: At Whole Foods.
Jimmy Contreras, 29
Occupation: Co-owner of Kimberly Boutique. Best concert: John Mayer. I was the gay guy in the front row yelling “I love you!” Hobbies: Shopping, cooking, volunteering at MANNA, and planning charity events at the store. Last meal on earth: A bucket of KFC. Bump into me: At Kimberly Boutique and Rouge or Parc.
Stewart Bradley, 25
Occupation: Eagles linebacker. Secret talent: Slightly-above-average dancer. Favorite restaurant: Barclay Prime. Favorite athlete: Andre Agassi. Dream date: Sailing from island to island in French Polynesia. Where I grew up: Salt Lake City. Bump into me: Around Society Hill.
Doug Young, 32
Occupation: Communications director for Lower Merion School District. Secret talent: Playing the piano. Best vacation spot: Yosemite National Park. When I grow up, I want to be: A dad. Last meal on earth: Authentic Vietnamese food. Bump into me: At the gym or on a basketball court.