Pulse: Chatter: 5 Stupid Questions for Allen Rothenberg

Everyone in Philadelphia knows Allen Rothenberg — “THE Injury Lawyer” — thanks to his barrage of cheesy TV ads. We caught up with the 67-year-old officer of the court in between lawsuits.

Everyone in Philadelphia knows Allen Rothenberg — “THE Injury Lawyer” — thanks to his barrage of cheesy TV ads. We caught up with the 67-year-old officer of the court in between lawsuits.

Given your chosen profession, do you worry about your karmic future?
People rely on the lies that drug companies tell them, and they get injured and die. There are addicted doctors, doctors on the phone with their brokers in the operating room. They make errors, and people die. There are horrible things happening. And we’re the bad guys?

How many of your clients are faking it?
We rarely take on soft-tissue injuries or limited-tort cases. In my entire career, I have never seen a client who would not be willing to give back every penny they got if they could only be rid of their injuries.

What’s with the Allen Rothenberg MySpace page?
I heard something about it. But it is absolutely, categorically not a product of my office. Do they make fun of me? [Note: They do.]

Who would win in a steel-cage death match: Allen Rothenberg or Chuck Peruto Jr.?
I don’t know Junior. Is he athletic? I do play competitive softball, and I golf. But I don’t know. Since he’s a criminal attorney, I’d be afraid of his backup.

And Dick Sprague?
Dick Sprague is a fragile old man. That wouldn’t be fair.